The insurance companies are getting clever. Before you renew your household insurance, they are now requesting you get a report or survey of the condition of your flat roof. Recently this isn’t a bad move as most roof leaks are because problems with the roof are not spotted before the roof leaks. Making the homeowner have a survey or the roof or a flat roof report undertaken every time the insurance renewals come around will definitely cut the cost of water damage, and therefore cut their costs. However, the customer has to pay for a roof condition report from a reputable and recognised roofing company. At London flat roofing we have been undertaking such reports, for instance company for some time now, and our roof surveyors reports are precise and accurate reports of the condition of the roof. Also on the report will be detailed on how to extend the roofs life and suggested roof maintenance.
If you are interested in getting a roof condition report prices start from £150.00 +VAT Please contact us London flat roofing for more info.
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